
The day dawns near when you come home

Come home to your dwelling place

Somewhere within me, a space so pure

A sacred space where clear waters flow gently

Calmly, eternally, washing away scars and wounds

Gathered along the voyage of life.

A voyage we undertook, each choosing our own way

Still we could see the way of the other

Through the looking glass, that thin wall of separation

Oftentimes I see and feel

What you yourself fail to realize

I perceive your heaviness, the fruits often bitter

As you sow the seeds of the same weeds

Sown by countless men chain-bound

Who struggle to bind even tighter those around.

Could you see me through the looking glass?

As I naively allowed a hundred loves

Into my altar, sacred, reserved for you

But the clear waters of the spring within

Scorched them all, reaching boiling point

On touching the tainted mockery pretending to be love.

We try not to hear the hidden plea for love

In the words we hurl at each other

We try not to see the love in our eyes

Hidden behind the veil of indifference

I desperately try to breathe in your essence

From your presence behind the looking glass

I can see the road stretching ahead of you

I see it, converging eventually with mine, to my doorstep.

Copyright ©2019angelbeamsblog

Picture : Aline at the gate. Pierre Auguste Renoir paintings reproduction

25 thoughts on “Homecoming”

    1. Oui, Il y a toujours le vrai et le faux, le bien et le mal. Mais c’est difficile de distinguer entre les deux, et on apprend seulement par l’expérience. Merci d’avoir partagé votre pensée.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. je trouve ton texte magnifiquement écrit , un mélange d’expression entre endroit aimé , et être aimé vraiment beau à lire et touchant , tu es vraiment une excellente écrivaine et poète Bravo ❤


  2. Bonjour ou Bonsoir BELLE ANGE

    Tu vois
    Avec beaucoup de sincérité
    Je suis mon cœur
    Il a ses pensées , ses choix et ses propres idées
    C’est alors et seulement
    Que l’on devient acteur de sa vie

    Il faut dans la vie savoir aussi
    Tendre la main à qui en a besoin
    Sans en espérer un retour
    Juste se dire que c’était bien

    Alors s’installe une belle harmonie avec soi-même

    Je te souhaite ce qu’il y a de meilleur
    Profite bien , belle journée
    Bisous , Amitié Bernard


  3. Coming home to that place within, that sweetness – God, Jesus, the self, our twin flame we all have our own words – becoming living-stones. When we arrive we realize we never left, carried by the wings of our true-love every step of the way.


  4. How true your words! We may choose different paths for the same experience, but we never really leave. One has to arrive home eventually. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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