Un Monde Noir

rose noir et blanc


How do I ever explain the magnificence of the mountains to you?

As they rise majestically to kiss the skies?

Their velvety green, you’ll never know

Their snow-white purity, you’ll never see

For you chose to enter this world sightless, with eyes that do not see.


How can I ever teach the colours of the rainbow

As it stretches far into the horizon?

Unlike its noisy siblings, the rain, wind and storm

It smiles gracefully at us after the histrionics end.

The rain you can feel, the bow you can trace

But the beauty of a rainbow, how do I reveal to you?


The song of the seas you can hear

The tickling of the waves you can feel

The scent of the beach is ever present for you

The taste of the salty breeze is nothing new

But how do you take in the vastness of the ocean?

For it stretches far beyond your arms outstretched

How can I make you see the shimmering diamonds

That the sunrays shower on the mighty surging waves?


What is a rose for you? A lotus? A tiny jasmine?

The thousand different blooms that Mother Nature displays in springtime?

How do you perceive the mightiness of an elephant?

Or the swiftness of a graceful deer?

Is a dancing peacock a splendid fan of brilliant blue plumes?

Or yet another source of bothersome cacophony?


How do I narrate to you the stories of the clouds?

As they act out each play in the open sky?

With the soaring eagles adding thrill and suspense

Against the changing colours of the twilight curtains?


Why did you choose your world without colours?

Without shapes? Forms? Light and shade?

But pity you, I need not do. For the glory of God

Is denied to no being on earth, big or small

I realize that it is I who is lacking

Being made a slave of mine own eyes.


Mine eyes which get duped by a plastic rose

A soulless thing with no fragrance or charm

Mine eyes which dictate that physical beauty

The colours slathered lavishly onto skin and hair

Bodies and faces chiseled to “perfection”

Reign supreme in a two-dimension world!


What fools we are! Submissive to one thing or the other

Even with God-given gifts we let one sense take over the rest

You are worthier than us, my dear child

For you listen, touch and feel

Your inner vision being clear as crystal

Gratitude flowing for all that you are given……


Copyright ©angelbeamsblog

(Pencildrawing bydavidte.blogspot.com)

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